Pinhole project

Tap image to pause / resume, swipe to advance

As a separate, but parallel, project to "Kinomorph", I'm creating digital pinhole images.

My intent with these is to use long exposures to capture stillness, rather than movement.

The result is a mood of tranquility - the sense that an essence is being recorded, rather a fleeting moment.


I also used pinhole for my "Isolation" series (on a separate page).

Scattered in this portfolio, however, are images from my "Deco" series, inspired by the loneliness and solitude in Edward Hopper's "Hotel" paintings.

And I've started on a new series called "Darchetypes", which I'm parking here for the time being (at the end of the slideshow sequence).


Pinhole #8

The Crimson White

Pinhole #5

Joy Draiki

Deco #12

Sarah Swift

Pinhole #6

(prefers anomymity)

Pinhole #19

Ellie Ryan

Deco #16


Pinhole #3

Joy Draiki

Pinhole #21

Rebecca Tun, Amethyst

Deco #1


Pinhole #14

Cariad Celis

Pinhole #2

Joy Draiki

Deco #2


Pinhole #7

(prefers anomymity)

Pinhole #9

The Crimson White

Deco #9

Sarah Swift

Pinhole #1

Joy Draiki

Pinhole #16

Ellie Ryan

Deco #15


Pinhole #22

Cariad Celis

Darchetypes #3


Deco #13 - the Letter


Pinhole #15

Ellie Ryan

Pinhole #11

Cariad Celis

Deco #14


Pinhole #13

Cariad Celis

Pinhole #10

Pinhole #12

Cariad Celis

Darchetypes #2

prefers anonymity

Darchetypes #1

Black Beauty

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