Update :
Following user feedback, I’ve made some changes to this process.
The main one is that all unhidden files will be queued for download automatically when you load the page – so you don’t need to go through and click them (you can still hide the ones you don’t want, of course).
Secondly, the “Download” icon doesn’t work for Android or Apple mobile devices, so now it won’t appear on mobile devices at all now. But you can use the email button.
Third … not all mobile devices can handle ZIP files, so I’ll now send you the individual files as attachments to the email.
Just a reminder that if you want to use the email function, you’ll need to set up your email address in your user profile. You can get to this by clicking on the menu, and looking for your user name – just under that, it’ll say “User Profile”. I won’t use your email address for anything except sending you your files without your express permission.
Please let me know if any of these (or anything else) causes you problems (or is just downright annoying).
Hi – there will be a video on how shareable client galleries screen works, but that won’t tell you how to work.
That’s up to you – I don’t know how tech-savvy you are (we may not have met as I write this), which equipment you’ve got, or which platforms you want to share your images to.
I know you’ll want to start sharing images as soon as possible, but it may take me a while to do the post-processing.
So I’ve tried to design a process which will let you ignore the images you’ve already downloaded (or aren’t interested in), so you don’t have to spnd time on them.
You can, of course, download them again to another device.
Another change …
From June 2020, I’ve changed the “cloud” icon on the image bars to a “cart” icon, which made more sense.
Quick Summary

The Filter Bar
This is subject to change at the moment, as I find out more about how everyone uses these pages.
Tag the team
Clicking on this will send the files in your cart to your email address if you’ve set it up in your user profile.
Hovering over this will show how many files are queued.
Clicking on this will download all the files in your cart. This isn’t available for mobile devices – you’ll need to use the email option.
Hovering over this will show how many files are queued.
These toggle the display of hidden images (everything is hidden once you download it, so you don’t get multiple copies)
This adds all unhidden files to the cart (even those already downloaded)
This button empties the cart
I’ve made another video, which you can see here :
I have made a few changes since, though (I’ll remake it when I get time).
Image Quality
Every time a .jpg (image) file is saved, the file gets a bit smaller and the quality degrades, and there’s a trade-off between file size and quality / detail.
A 100% quality image may take 2mb, where a 95% might take less than 500k – and the difference (at that level) isn’t noticeable.
However, this means they’ll take longer to download, and use up more of your data allowance.
I’ll normally provide first-generation images at about 95% quality.
When you upload to platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, they’ll normally resize the images (Facebook has an option to minimise this) – either as you post them, or as they’re viewed. Your device will also make some decisions – so a screenshot from a mobile phone may have much less quality. This may not be visible on the phone, but will be noticeable in full screen.
Photographers (in particular) can be fussy about this.
So … always try and upload the original files.
Tag the Team …
… and get tagged.
It’s not just good manners to tag your collaborators, but it’s good for your reputation and helps build your network.
If you don’t credit the people who’ve worked with you – especially TF – you may find it difficult to find others.
You can set up your tags in your user profile screen.
So far, I’ve included Instagram and Purpleport, but let me know if there are more you’d like me to add.
You can see tags for the team on the sharing screen by clicking the @ icon.
Sometimes, the technology will make you jump through hoops to get the image to where you want it to be.
There may be good reasons for this (security is one).
Or there may be bad ones – they want you to buy a premium upgrade – or maybe they’re just lazy.
Whatever the reason, I’ve tried to find ways around this.
You choose …
… which images you want, and on which devices.
Of course, you can just download them all to a computer, and sync to your other devices if you want.
Or you may want to download directly to a mobile device (try and do this when you’re wifi connected, rather than over the network, to save your data allowance).
You might want to use different image mixes for different platforms.
The processed images may become available over a period of time, so we won’t clutter your screen with images you’ve already saved or decided not to use.
You can hide images or versions you don’t want – they might feature somebody else, for example.
Downloaded images will automatically be hidden, but you can quene them up again to get them to another device.
Transfer methods
You can download the images directly (on most devices – see below) or queue them up to be sent through email (make sure your email service will accept large attachments).
Click on the image’s download icon to add the file to your queue (the icon will change colour, as will the icons in the filter bar).
When you’ve queued the files you want to download, click on download icon in the filter bar to download the queue to your device. As each image is processed, it will be flagged as “hidden”. You can see hidden images on with the hidden filter , and select them for download again – for example, to a different device.
Computers :
The individual files should end up in download folder used by your computer. By default, this is called “Downloads” on both Mac and Windows.
Mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android)
These devices make it really messy to download multiple images, but they’re best for loading to Instagram.
So in this case, click on the mail icon If the system finds that you’re using a mobile device, the envelope button will create an email with selected files, and send it to you (you’ll need to set up an email address in your user profile).
When you get the mail, you’ll be able to save the images to your camera roll, and / or post them to Instagram.