Sit Jacob Epstein
As we got towards the end of the College year, we had to get our show together – and for most of us, that meant selecting images from our Final Major Project.
In my case, this was the ‘Heads’ project.
‘Heads’ came about from a number of museum visits, when I was struck by the ways in which sculptures would take on a different “feeling”, depending on the camera position.
I’d also spent some time at the New Art Gallery in Walsall – fairly local for me – which was built to house the Garman-Ryan Collection, left to the town by Kathleen Garman, Sir Jacob Epstein’s widow. Not surprisingly, it includes some portrait sculptures – the majority by Epstein, but including others by the other benefactor, Sally Ryan.
I’ve included more information about the project in a portfolio slideshow.
(pictured above: First Portrait of Kathleen by Sir Jacob Epstein)